
The 5 Biggest Landscaping Mistakes Homeowners Should Avoid

Are you struggling to landscape your property on your own? You’re prone to make landscaping mistakes that can ruin the look of your property and can be very costly.

Many homeowners make mistakes when landscaping their properties. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ve compiled a list of the five biggest landscaping mistakes you should avoid.

These mistakes can often be avoided if you are aware of them and take the necessary precautions. Read on how to avoid the biggest landscaping mistakes and get started on your dream yard today!

The Biggest Landscaping Mistakes That Can Ruin the Look of Your Property

In landscaping, it’s best to learn from those who’ve gone before you. Otherwise, you’ll end up making some landscaping mistakes that can cost you time and money.

We’ve compiled a list of the five landscaping mistakes we see homeowners often make. Avoiding these mistakes can save you time, money, and stress.

1. Not Considering Your Climate

Palm treeWhen landscaping your property, it’s essential to consider the climate and soil conditions you live in. If you don’t, you risk landscaping your property with plants that can’t survive in your climate.

If you’re landscaping a new home or an area you’re unfamiliar with, make sure to know your location and research landscaping options for your climate zone.

When it comes to landscaping, one size does not fit all. What works in Dallas may not work in Des Moines. That’s why it is always better to consider your climate before landscaping.

Pro Tip:  Examine your landscaping zone map to understand your landscaping options better, and consult with Des Moines landscaping experts to know what landscaping options will work best for your property.

2. Choosing the Wrong Plants

Choosing the wrong plants is another common landscaping mistake. Just because a plant is pretty doesn’t mean it will thrive in your landscape.

Choosing the wrong plants will often lead to you having to replace them sooner than later. This will cause landscaping costs to increase, and you may have to start over. That’s why it’s essential to choose landscaping plants that will thrive in your climate and look great.

Choosing landscaping plants is a tricky business. You have to consider the climate, soil type, sun exposure, and water needs of a plant. If you want to enjoy flowers on a tree in your landscaping all year round, choose a hardy tree that will bloom in all seasons.

Not only you should choose the right plants, but appropriate plant care is also essential. Before starting, you should take the time to research landscaping plants that will work best for your property and are not high-maintenance.

If you water your plants properly and provide the necessary nutrients, there is no reason why you can’t have a beautiful landscape that doesn’t require a lot of work. That’s why you must choose the landscaping plants carefully and understand their needs.

Pro Tip: Check plant hardiness zones to choose plants, and consult with landscaping professionals for their advice and guidance to make sure that you’re landscaping will look great for years to come!

3. Planting Too Many Trees or Shrubs

Planting too many trees or shrubs is another landscaping mistake. When you plant too many, they can compete for water and nutrients, leading to landscaping problems down the road.

Planting too many trees can also cause landscaping issues like weeds, disease, and insect infestations. Additionally, too many trees can create too much shade, limiting the landscaping plants that will grow in the area.

Shrubbery can also cause landscaping problems when planted too close together. They can limit the landscaping options and choices you have in landscaping design.

You should plant trees and shrubs according to the design of your landscaping and the size of your property. Planting too many can often lead to a nasty looking landscape design that doesn’t flow well.

Pro Tip: Check the spacing requirements of landscaping plants, and consult with landscaping professionals to get their advice on the best way to plant your trees and shrubs.

4. Ignoring Weed Control

Dandelion field - dandelion seedsSome homeowners ignore weed control, thinking it’s a landscaping task they can put off until later. This is a big landscaping mistake. Weeds will take over beds and compete with landscaping plants for water, sunlight, and nutrients.

Weeds are also ugly when they get out of control, and landscaping with weeds is never a good idea. While weed control may seem like an easy task to put off now, weeds can be a nightmare if left unchecked.

You must put weed control at the top of your priority list. If you don’t, weeds can take over your landscaping and cause problems.

Pro Tip: Use landscaping fabric or landscaping stone to limit the growth of weeds, and make sure to remove weeds from your landscaping regularly.

5. Over-Pruning Trees and Shrubs

Pruning is an essential landscaping task, but it’s essential to do it correctly. Over-pruning trees and shrubs can often lead to landscaping problems down the road.

When plants are over-pruned, they can become stressed and weak. This can lead to landscaping problems like disease, insect infestations, and death. Additionally, over-pruned plants will not look as good as healthy plants.

Most homeowners don’t have the training to prune landscaping plants correctly. That’s why it’s essential to get enough information to prune landscaping plants correctly or hire landscaping professionals who can help.

Pro Tip: Learn about landscaping plant pruning, and consult landscaping professionals for their advice and guidance to ensure you’re landscaping plants look great!


Landscaping mistakes happen, but they’re not something you should ever be embarrassed about. Landscaping is an essential part of making your home or property look beautiful, and this part does not afford mistakes, so it’s essential to avoid landscaping errors at all costs. Do some research on the biggest landscaping mistakes before planting trees or shrubs in your yard and avoid them to enjoy a green space with healthy plants on your property.

Or you can avoid the landscaping mistakes and their headaches altogether and hire Tebock’s Landscape. Contact us today!